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Website Address Description
1 /k4ghg.jpg K4GHG - Ham Radio Resources Amateur radio resources including ham radio software, cd roms, hamfest, calendar, call sign search, weather, links, maidenhead map with bearings, distance and grid.
2 /ac6v.jpg AC6V Amateur Radio & DX Reference Guide Large, and I mean large collection of Ham Radio sites.
3 /hamradioauction.jpg A Ham Radio Auction Your Internet resource for all amateur Ham Radio products.
4 /atvq.jpg Amateur Television Quarterly ATVQ - Your source for ATV and SSTV information.
5 /radioexchange.jpg Antique Radios/Ham Radio/Electronic Parts Buy and sell antique radios, ham radios, electronic parts, test equipment, stereo equipment, record players, phonographs, tape recorders, gadgets, etc - Online.
6 /cheapqsl.jpg Cheap QSL Great prices high quality QSL Cards. Check this site out and enter their monthly drawing.
7 /f6gqk.jpg Christian RAMADE (F6GQK) Ham Radio Software (DXCat, DXFile, DXPacket, DXProp, DXPSK, DXSpots, PropHF and SmartPSK).
8 /dauntless.jpg Dauntless Aviation and Ham Radio software
9 /satsignal.jpg David & Cecilia Taylor's Web Pages Collection of award-winning software utilities, hints and tips on weather satellites.
10 /dxsoft.jpg DxSoft Programs for amateur radio.
11 /dxtreme.jpg DXtreme Software Powerful and easy-to-use logging applications for the HAM Radio enthusiasts. Since 1995, DXtreme has been working hard to enhance HAMs operating experiences. They make it easy and fun to enter your l
12 /echolist.jpg Echolist The Echolist online directory features a wealth of information, news and links about a wide range of topics.
13 /eham.jpg eHam Large collection of Ham Radio Resources
14 /gixen.jpg Gixen Auction Sniper site
15 /ham-dir.jpg Find some of the best ham radio sites on the internet
16 /hamradiostop.jpg Ham RadioStop Ham Radio Stop Amateur Radio link Directory
17 hamusa2.jpg A site that promotes Amateur Radio and VHF/UHF Contesting on the World Wide Web.
18 /uantenna.jpg Ham Universe's - Antenna Design About 20 different antenna design tools.
19 /ustudy.jpg Ham Universe's - Study Guide Ham Universe's - Study Guide - Want your ticket or want to upgrade? This page is for you.
20 /harlan.jpg Harlan Technologies Producers of custom name tags, luggage tags, club badges, Employee Name Tags, Special Event Badges, Child / Stroller / Car Seat Emergency ID�s - They also carry Comtech Amateur Radio Television Transmitters and Receivers 900 MHz, 1.2 GHz, & 2.4 GHz along with D480 filters, Video cameras and accessories.
21 /n0hr.jpg Home of MobileLog and PPCMorse Ham radio software utilities for PocketPC PDAs
22 /hotpress.jpg HotPress T-Shirts A family owned company operated by licensed ham radio operators that embroidered hats, print T-shirts and more. Founded in Sumner, Washington they have been serving ham operators world wide since 1994
23 /intelligentconverter.jpg Intelligent Converters Software to convert MS Access, DBF and Oracle databases to MySQL and vice versa, PDF to Word, PDF to HTML, PDF to text and others.
24 /joelrohr.jpg Joel Rohr This web page was created by Pop (k4ghg) to display the art works of Joel Rohr.
25 /motorola.jpg Motorola 2 Way Radios Motorola two way radios, headsets, chargers and batteries for commercial-use applications including law enforcement, fire fighting, construction, airline and retail.
26 /multimeter.jpg Multimeter Digital Multimeter: Easy to read multimeters from Circuit Specialists offer special safety features which help prolong the tool�s life span. Both accurate and reliable, these multimeters are perfect for many electrical applications.
27 /thirtyone.jpg Nava's Thirty-One Nava's Thirty-One Gifts, provides personalized accessories, gifts, home, jewelry, purses, stationery, storage and utility, thermal, totes, and wallets. Sales are done online and through home parties. Visit Nava's Thirty-One Gifts and tell her Mom 'N' Pop's Software sent you.
28 /on6mu.jpg ON1DHT's Home Page Amateur Radio, SWL and Wireless communications Home Page.
29 /pcbargain.jpg PC Bargain Hunter Recommendations and guides for buying used computers, laptops, digital cameras, PDA handhelds and inexpensive computer memory. Tell them Mom 'N' Pop sent you.
30 /ppr.jpg Poodles and Pooch Rescue A nonprofit dog rescue that saved Kirby.
31 /qweas.jpg Qweas Software Search Engine Software searches, downloads, store, directory, and more
32 /radio2way.jpg Radiotronics - Two Way Radio One of the fastest growing suppliers of two way radios and two way radio accessories.
33 /software5.jpg Comprehensive Software Directory with over a 1,000 categories and 30,000 listings.
34 /technotronix.jpg TechnoTronix PCB Assembly service, PCB Design, PCB Layout, Printed Circuit Board Design Services, PCB Design Solutions, and Fabrication.
35 /theweather.jpg The Weather Find the best and most reviewed weather stations on the market. These are current the best weather stations available.
36 /w6dex.jpg W6DEK.COM Amateur Radio Site W6DEK.COM Serving the 147.435Mhz Repeater.
37 /wb6vub.jpg WB6VUB Amateur Web Page Ham Radio Links and More
38 /wm8c.jpg WM8C's Ham Links Hobbies, Interests, Embroidery, and much more...
39 /weathershack.jpg Weather Station is a leading weather station, wireless weather station and home weather stations provider. They also carry other weather related instruments.
40 /electronicsteacher.jpg Electronic Tutorials, Electronic Project Kits, Robotics Guide for Students, Amateur and Professionals. Computer Architecture and Digital Circuits.
41 123 Exchange Links helps you find quality link exchange partners which increases traffic and improves a website's link popularity with search engines.
42 Absolute Digital Media Multi Award Winning Digital Marketing Campaigns Which Generate ROI Through Innovative Creative Campaigns.
43 Adware/Spyware Removal Details on removing Adware/Spyware, virus protection, browsers, and firewalls.
44 AllTheWebSites Web Directory.
45 Amateur Radio Station AB4YB Ham radio information and satellite links.
46 Best Selections Unlimited Discount computer hardware, software and electronic products. Thousands of computer parts in stock at reasonable prices.
47 Cheap Computers : Discount Computer Parts A comprehensive computer hardware guide to building a cheap PC using cheap discount components available easily online. Find the best cheap computer systems - desktop or laptop - and parts on sale.
48 Cheetah CD Burner Easy to use CD and DVD burner software. Burn Audio MP3, Data, and ISO files... Fast! I use this software and its great.
49 Clean My PC A step by step guide to cleaning up your computer.
50 Comprehensive Computer Director
51 Computer Games For Cheap New Windows-based computer games with lots of categories and over 600 games to choose from.
52 Find Fun Stuff Find Web fun resources for Celebrity, Animation, Games, Fashion, Movies, Music, Photography, Publishing, and Home Theater.
53 Frontier Internet Cable services, high-speed Internet and home phone service. These services add new life to your home and Frontier brings them to you at a great prices.
54 Global Test Supply - 3M Store 3M Store at Global Test Supply.
55 Inkjet Cartridges and Printer Ink Refills offers genuine, compatible ink cartridges, and inkjet refill kits at 70-80% discounted prices.
56 Internet Web Directory Internet's fastest growing directory of the best web sites. Fully searchable and upgraded regularly.
57 Link Market Free Link Exchange, Link Swap and Link Trade Directory. Have you ever tried to exchange links, swap links, or trade links? Was it hard? Use link market instead; - easy to use.
58 Online Education Tools CubertsCube is the innovative creative writing tool for kids. Our online tool can assist teachers, educators and homeschooling parents in teaching writing to children.
59 PC Building Tips: Buying Parts, Saving Money, and Avoiding Mistakes Thank you Charlotte and Connie for suggesting this site about PC construction tips.
60 PCB Services A leading PCB (Printed circuit board) manufacturer offers quality PC Boards, SMT Stencils & Quick Turn PCB Assembly services.
61 PixBy Software - Home of FAST PHOTO A good picture eBay editing software. We registered and I am certain you will too. Tell them Mom 'N' Pop sent you.
62 Riedon Resistors Find cutting-edge resistors that meet all RoHS compliance regulations at Riedon.
63 SafestWare Internet security software's, privacy protection, solutions and resources to protect you, your family and your business against all kind of Internet threats. SafestWare Internet security, from persona
64 Screensaver Maker Create beautiful screensaver with your pictures, photos, music and our software.
65 Script Installation Professional PHP, Perl Script installation and Linux, FreeBSD, Windows Server administration service.
66 Search Engine Optimization Visit 1-hit for many web site tools.
67 SearchMedia Online Marketing Company and SEO Services in Jonnesburg. Lead generation using Google Adwords, SEO and other PPC strategies. Professional internet marketing company in South Africa. We specialise in online marketing, SEO(Search Engine Optimisation), Mobile Apps and Web Application.
68 Secure Email Need an inexpensive, secure web mail or POP email account set up in just minutes? Get a secure SSL email account in 3 minutes from 4SecureMail
69 Small Business Knowledge Base A comprehensive free resource packed with dozens of guides, tools and techniques for Small Businesses.
70 Software Review Blog Software Information.
71 Spyware, Spybot A good tool to eliminate Spyware, PopUps, and Evidence that could be used against you!
72 Superrood Superrood - sign up for a free link to your site.
73 Tech Wholesale Motorola® and Kenwood® products. Tech Wholesale offers excellent customer service, free shipping and great prices in the US.
74 TheOfficeGuide Your source for Office Supplies and Equipment. Includes information, articles, and frequently asked questions.
75 UK Broadband Review Free report plus full independent ratings helps you choose the best broadband provider for your own needs.
76 Vinatronic PCB Assembly and Manufacturing. Over 25 years of experience. Vinatronic Inc. has built its reputation as a reliable contract manufacturer.
77 Web Hosting Company in UK Artich hosts leading web development company in UK, USA, Australia provides various web hosting plans including domain web hosting and dedicated hosting. Contact Web Hosting Firm Today for your web hosting needs.
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